Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Talese S. (scarf made by Pat H.)

Talese proudly showed the scarf that Pat H. made for her.
The scarf was a thank you for a bunch of fabric scraps Talese gave Pat.

Judy G. (raw edged big flowers)

Judy G. shows a quilt she made from abandoned blocks.
They were made with raw edge applique and hand button hole stitch.
Blocks may have been made in the 1980s.

Maggie S. (Carol Doak wall hangings)

Maggie S. showed a wall hanging she made from the Carol Doak class.

She joined the Carol Doak yahoo group and this was made
from a block pattern that she got from the online group.

ICS 2009 Challenge

The ICS 2009 Guild Challenge was to create a landscape quilt, any size.
We voted during the Project Linus work night. There were 6 entries.

Jef is holding up one of the entries. They were displayed on the stage.

They came in differnent sizes.

Project Linus Work Night

Project Linus Work Night
It was a very productive evening, thank you ladies!
Phyllis N. is sewing on a binding.
Cheri S. is ironing.

More ladies working productively.

Dixie is cutting fabric.